Only those who earned his grace which can be present as a Rahmah for human and universe. Then, spread the Rahmah through the resistance movement against self, then the fight against anti-peace movement. Its light will illuminate souls free from the shackles of idolatry, idols and burning passion that enslaves and oppresses the soul of humanity. Therefore, the movement of humanity that only rests on justice and equality, will always lead to hard protest and dry. So also the entire movement of humanity that only based on affection, tranquility, peace, will end up lonely, spoiled, and helpless, without being able to generate a strong civilization. Because in the Mercy of God, there is justice of God, and in God’s justice is always preceded The God’s Love.
Brotherhood of humanity can only be bound by the bond of faith in God. If the bond were separated, men will continue to fight to tie it back, because of the fear and love of God. Without this, people do not have strong ties to fellow human beings. Bond of humanity without Godhead, is the momentary interests, which often destabilize peace.
The eyes of truly believers will continue to open the eyes of his heart. When the eyes of his head see the diversity, differences, divisions, various degrees of colors, and it requires maximum effort to organize the life that was right and fair, then keep open his eyes, that it was still Sole from his Lord.
When the eyes see the dimensions of time and space between heaven and earth, the heart continued to see what hidden in the heavens and the earth. Because the traps of materialism that seemed can be drag his desires to be a slave, and ends with the destruction of the earth and bloodshed. Whereas something behind it, is spirituality while looking: that is the existence of The Names of God (Asthma), The Atributes of God (Sifat) and The Activities and Acts of God (Af’al), so that everything in the heavens and the earth never became a curtain between himself and God. From there, harmony and peace will built.
The God’s Name is holy, beautiful and great. Should be spoken with the great spirit, faithful and pure soul, a pure heart. Not spoken by the dirty lust, desire and emotions. How many people are insulting God’s name, but his pride instead say, “This is God’s sake!”
The devil began his conflict with of God and man, through his confidence against the business and charities and obedience during his time, much less his raw materials and its DNA is more superior than Adam. Then there was born the incredible arrogance. And later history recorded, pride is the greatest threat to human peace. Also from vanity, born the arms race, and the attitude of looking at others no more than lower creatures.
The family of believers like the one body. Organs to one another love each other, support, connect, and not to torture, not jealous, because of the awareness that it relies on the spirit of the heart, that would had to be accounted for at the end of day.
Ta’aruf (to know), in commandment of God, Lita’aarafu (to know each other, to educate each other, to exchange knowledge, to connect with each other with affection, to introduce each other to the One God) is the foundation of civilization. And the purpose of civilization is submission to God (the most noble of you is the most pious).
Advancing the science in civilization, in order that scientists are getting closer to the lofty spiritual level. Therefore, science must be useful for mankind. A useful science is the science that is increasingly making the person has a fear lovingly the Lord. If it’s not, then science can be harm the civilization of mankind.
The human soul will never be in peace (muthmainnah), as long as the soul never go back and restore himself to his Lord. But that is not enough, because a sense of peace and calm is not the destination of the soul. He needed a transformation to achieve his perfection. Once the peace is established, it will continue to longs with his final destination, and then he passes the straight path. Path in seeking the blessing of God, until he became an icon of the blessing itself. He achieved a new peak that is to know his Lord, in the completeness of it.
As long as this civilization claimed to be the work of human history, people will continue to rely on himself, his ego, his ability, and then will be born dark forces frightening himself. Later, many people claim to be a god, because of the greatness that he achieved, superpower bewitching the world. This is a new job for true peacemakers; those whose hands are His hand, his eyes are His vision, his ears are His hearing.
Every day, we ask, “Allahumma Antas Salaam, wa minKas Salaam, wailaiKa Ya’udus Salaam Fahayyinaa Rabbanaa bis Salaam, wa Adkhilnal Jannata Daaras Salaam…..”
“O Lord, Thou are the Peace, from You was all peace, and to Thee peace will return, then revive us, O God, with Peace, and write us to heaven, the land of peace ….”
This prayer should lead us to the gates of an incredible peace. What a big mistake that befell this ummah, so that we are engaged in a “tragedy of peace” which miserable? Have they forget the petition spoken five times a day?
Shalah is the most fundamental lesson in the science of peace in Islam. This ritual begins with “Takbirotul Ihram”, which means to shrink everything except God. So when the words of Takbir echoed, the servant’s ego, imagination, especially his arrogance, becomes Fana’. He comes with a clean body and a pure heart, facing the Holy of Holies. And ends with the greeting, and the Rahmah of God spread to all creatures. Then the first dhikr that uttered after Shalah is “Istighfar”, then continued with an ask for forgiveness for both parents and for fellow believers, musmilin and muslimat, both living and dead. The incredible “Istighfar”. It seems there is no perfect peace education than this ritual prayers.
The education of peace also can find in the words of “Al-Baaqiyatus Sholihat”: “Subhaanallah walhamdulillah walaailaaha illallah huwa Allahu Akbar laahaulaa walaa quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adzim.”
SubhanAllah (Glory of God), is the recognition and proclamation of the independence of humanity from the shackles of dirty desires. Freedom from the shackles of worldly and desire of ukhrowi. The victory over the resistance against his enemy (the evilness). His proclamation for his servanthood whic is Fana’, and only He is the Holy One. Subhanallah is flying without wings, without any body movement, desire without the will, walk without legs, looking without eyes, hear without ears, said without verbal, exist in everywhere without space, timed without change, desired without wanting.
Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) is the manifestation of servitude after meeting his Lord. He knows the unity in diversity and diversity in perfect unity. Nobody exceed greeting Alhamdulillah for the peaceful expression of life. He become Baqa’ Billah (Realizing immortality of Him with Him).
La ilaha illa Allah (There is no god but Allah) is the unshakable faith statement on faith in God. Since the speech was revealed, he has been obliged to enter the Land of Peace (heaven). Thus Kalimah Thoyyibah is the true peaceful heaven that expressed in the whole world. Because, in this sentence, contains a willingness to be a servant, and in the willingness (ridho) there’s an atmosphere of His heaven.
Allahu Akbar (God is great), is the peak of powerlessness and inability of the servants. The greatness of God form over the lust and devils, over the desires of the world and the afterlife, above all things except God itself.
Then we shall meet with the sentence: “Laahaulaa walaa quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adzim.” And there was no power and strength except with Allah, The Supreme Being and Most Great.
Speech of Salaam and Sillaturrahim, is a prayer and actuality of peace. In Salaam, contain peace, safety, resignation, and hope for eternal happiness. While in sillaturrahim, humanity which has been uprooted from the roots of His affection, re-attached. In Salaam there was greeting of God, and in the Sillaturrahim there was presence of God.
Dhikr bring peace, even if the purpose of dhikr is not to seek and bring peacefulness. The purpose of dhikr is to meet with the Supreme Peace.
Execute a position as a servant of the Most Peaceful correctly, and uphold the Rights of the Supreme Peace in the conduct of life, is the purpose of our search all this time, in upholding world peace.
Transformation of Lust in the perspective of peace:
The lust of Ammaroh, have a potential anti-peace, he must be trained towards to God (ilallah), because he trapped in the circle of physicalism and materialism atmosphere which is drag his ambition.
The lust of Lawwamah, realize the evils of conflict in the past and begin to grow love towards peace. It should be addressed through spiritual education that his journey is only for Allah (Lillah).
The lust of Mulhamah, began to enter the “ma’rifah”. That is to know the Creator of Peace, there is passion and excitement, and therefore must be trained not to return to his ego, by remaining relying himself to God (‘Alallah), so that the noble qualities is maintained.
The lust of Muthmainnah, experiencing the awareness that God is with him (Ma’Allah), because of that, the atmosphere of peace covers the soul. But he must constantly be educated in order not to be separated from the divine presence and participation in the entire process himself, so there is a sense of connecting with God in the most essential territory (hakikat).
The lust of Radhiyah, begin to realize that peace is the station that must be passed, because he begin to seek the blessing of God. Therefore, must be educated that the sense of satisfaction and happy is God himself. He must keep “drowned” in the the Divine (Fillah), the source of all shades of peace.
The lust of Mardhiyah, transformation of consciousness “in God” which should rise with the spirit to totally Ridho’ for anything that comes from Him (‘AniLlah). Serenity lies precisely in the awareness that conflict and peace indeed, essentially, come from Him. A dived mystery, the secret behind the secret.
The lust of Kamilah, began to enter the oneness in diversity and diversity in unity of God. The culmination of lust transformation on “The Lust of Kamilah” will reach the grace of the totality of teachings. Syariat, Thariqat, Ma’rifat, Hakikat simultaneously, harmonizes. Therefore, he together with his Lord (Billah) to become His caliph. True freedom in the independence and peace asceticism.
Codes of Peace, in our chests (intellect, mind and some knowledge). Theology of peace in our Qalbu (Faith and belief which dispels the entire inner conflict, for the sake of enlightenment). Spirit of Peace is in our Spirit (All the noble qualities that are present in the spirit of the Divine). Peace is in the depths of the nature of our inner secrets (The advent of peace light from the light). Peace is God itself. Besides Allah is the source of all the chaos, conflict, divisions and problems.
The entire of peace agreement, is always accompanied with a determination to carry it out. The determination should be left to God. In order for your efforts to realize the ideals, liberated from the burden of bad in your own ego. Without doing that, for the sake of a breach of the peace offense always appear everywhere.
Al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, is a representation of the major history in Islamic ideal, but the literal meaning, Al-Madinah is a concept of fair law enforcement, the strength of civil society, enforcement of human rights, public plural arrangement, social and political order which is rational and wise, and a model for good governance and public leadership. However, it is not going to happen, when Al-Munawwaroh not presented, which means “he who emitted by light”. That the establishment of Al-Madinah is because emanations great spirituality, which always enters the recesses of the soul of the people. That Divine light which continuously controls the people, to avoid the spiritual-psychological conflict which can be lead to horizontal conflict.
Three last surah in Al-Qur’an: Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq dan An-Naas, are the peace foundation in the perspective of Islam. Al-Ikhlas is Iman, the true meaning of Iman, actuality of Iman in the life. Al-Falaq, is the feel of the protection from the representation of the creature with dark and destructive actions in civilization. An-Naas, represents protection from psychological disturbances which continue to haunt the man as being godless existence.
When you open the first surah of the Qur’an: Al-Fatihah. From first paragraph (Basmalah), to last paragraph, actually is the parent of everything: God, Man and the universe, and the hereafter. How to take harmony on the right path.